Wednesday, June 6, 2012

Week 9

My bone stimulator finally arrived yesterday. It's light, portable and I have to wear it for 3 hours a day but I can do it in 60 minute increments. I can walk while wearing it too. I'm wearing it over the fixator right now. 

I had my appointment today. I was scheduled to have the ex-fix removed, however because it took so long for the bone stim. to arrive my doc said he would feel more comfortable removing it two weeks from now. To say that I was disappointed would be an understatement...on a positive note the new x-ray shows even more growth so I do find comfort in knowing that I did pretty good on my own. He just wants me to wear the bone stim. for at least 2 weeks before removal so that my metatarsal will be that much stronger. It makes sense. And at this point even though I'm barely winding down from the feeling of betrayal (LOL), I feel like what's another 2 weeks? I was supposed to be staying at the beach this weekend to celebrate but like they say: life is what happens when you're busy making other plans. Maybe I can still go and just use my cast cover ;)

Here's my x-ray:

My scab came completely off. It was really thick and deep where the 2 pins closest to my toes are. Also my toe is very straight (it almost looks jarring looking at it from the right side as the rest are my toes curve down while at rest) so I asked about it. The doc says I can start pushing it downward at the base of the toe to help  with that and I'll also have therapy once the fixator is off. So anyway here we go again with the waiting! At least this time around I already know my bone is doing great :D


  1. I'm so sorry about your delay! I was just telling my husband that I am worried the same thing will happen to me tomorrow. Well, 2 weeks isn't bad, you will still be considered "early" compared to lots of other people, as you found in your research. The bone stim looks cool, they are all so different now compared to a few years ago. Do you know how it works?

    1. Thank you! It hadn't crossed my mind that I might not get it off today so it was total shock! It really isn't so bad but at the time I was reeling and having an internal fit LOL! I'm sure yours is ready though, your last x-ray looked amazing.

      My stim is electromagnetic like yours! I have to wear it over the foot because it's built with the microprocessor on top. The manual says when the device is centered over the treatment area the signal is delivered directly to the treatment site to stimulate cell repair. Pretty cool!

  2. I also meant to say- go to the beach and celebrate anyway! After all, it is almost over! :)

  3. Congratz!!! Your progress is looking great and I agree, you should go ahead and take that trip to the beach!!:)

  4. Thanks! I went and it was amazing! :D

  5. Holaa por aqui estube biendo tu blog ya vi q has terminado que emocion te deseo muchisima suerte con el cresiento d tu hueso saludos :)

  6. Hey Brachyfemme!
    Congratulations on your new foot, it looks amazing! I'm currently undergoing my 2nd operation (I had this on both feet) and my bone is taking its time to grow. I was wondering if you found this bone stimulator helped?

    :) Thank you!

  7. Thanks Nadia!! To be honest, I feel like there is no way to know for sure if the bone stim has actually helped and I understand why they're controversial. It can't hurt to try though! Did you have any problems with your first procedure?
