Tuesday, June 12, 2012

Week 10

This past week went by really fast, I spent the weekend at the beach and it was a blast! There's not much new to report as I'm still waiting for my next appointment which is over a week away. 

I've been using the bone stimulator every day for the full 3 hours. Also, I've been clearing out the dead skin around the pins, though there isn't much to clean anymore. My scar is looking pinkish. I plan on either getting a prescription for those silicone strips or just buying the ScarAway ones at Walgreens (they have good reviews).

Here is my latest pic. The swelling has gone down however it still comes back after a bit of walking; it's not too bad though. The 2 pins closest to my ankle start to sting after a good walk so I'm trying not to overdo it. Walking with the fixator is tiring anyway but there's no pain other than those pin sites stinging. The bottom of my foot feels normal. As you can see the middle toe bends down a little on it's own, probably due to holding 2 toes worth of weight for most of it's life, now it doesn't know what to do with itself lol! I can't wiggle the 3rd  & 4th toe yet. I'm hoping once the fixator is off it'll be fine since I can feel them wanting to wiggle with the rest. The 4th toe itself is getting more and more flexible as I gently massage and wiggle it with my finger everyday. So anyway, here I am! Still waiting and still very much aware of the metal I long to have off my foot :)


  1. Your foot looks so great (and I love the color on your toes!). Just think, in about a week you will be free! It feels so fantastic to have the fixator off, you will be so happy! I WISH my foot was like yours and didn't swell so much! I think that in time our toes will change shape and look a little more like the others. After all, they sat on top of our feet and did nothing for all these years- once they have to work a little hopefully they'll get in shape :)

  2. Thank you, it's one of my favorites by Sinful Colors called Soulmate.

    Your foot looked really good in those last pictures you posted, not too swollen considering you'd just had surgery a couple of days before!
